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Super Jaws Bit

The Super Jaws Bit is an integral part of an overburden drilling system used in applications where the drilled holes may collapse when drilling with conventional drilling methods, which is designed to drill in all such formations by carrying the casing through the variable layers to target depth, after which the complete tool is retracted, leaving the casing in the hole permanently, or until the next operation is carried out.


1). High Drilling Efficiency:

The design of the Super Jaws Bit enables the guide device to perform most of the drilling directly while the expanded Bit Wings perform the reaming. This minimizes loss of DTH hammer energy and maintains a high drilling efficiency.

2). Concentric Drilling:

Since Super Jaws bits expand and retract concentrically, they will drill and maintain a round hole. Unlike eccentric overburden systems, which inherently drill misshapen holes, the Super Jaws system has no tendency to wander, or to produce an offset. This feature assures a straight, round hole, equivalent to that drilled with a conventional bit. This also means that a Super Jaws system does not have to drill as large an overcut as a comparative eccentric system, saving time, energy and money.

3). Easily Retractable:

The Super Jaws Bit Wings are retracted when the Bit body is lifted. This ensures that they can be easily retracted even in soft soil, without hammering, levering, or excessive pull back.

4). No Reverse Rotation Required:

Reverse rotation is not required for retracting Super Jaws Bits. This eliminates concerns about disconnecting hammer parts or tool joints in the hole.

5). Smooth Discharge of Cuttings:

The Super Jaws Bit has a lower height and larger chip ways than many conventional overburden Bits, ensuring smooth discharge of cuttings and eliminating the regrinding of cuttings. The exhaust air discharge is located beneath and beside the wings, to clean the pockets and reduce or eliminate material becoming trapped in the pockets.

6). Faster Penetration Rates:

The high mechanical strength of the Bit, concentric design, and the full face contact, enables Super Jaws Bits to maintain a higher penetration rate than any other overburden drilling system in the same formation.



Contact: Mr. Peter Chan

Phone: +86 851 8577 3056 / 8569


Add:No.17, 21 floor, unit 1, 1 building, M district, xiaochehe street flower orchard project, Nanming district, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China.